
Shizen, an innovative vision on the industry

We are change experts, transformation engineers and limitless innovators.

Founded in 2018, Shizen is the only software that helps performance-driven manufacturers eradicate 3 times as many problems, thanks to a methodological structuring of information and communications, in an era where people are the pillar of performance.

We create an environment, a methodology and a dynamic enabling people to create better, innovate better and shape a brighter future. To make a difference.

The software for manufacturers in their continuous improvement

Quentin Bérard​​
CEO Shizen

“We created Shizen because manufacturers need to improve their performance. Our solution will make teams in factories want to make improvements. Our challenges for the next few months are to industrialize for growth: improve the product with our customers, release new modules and develop our activity in Europe. ”

Charles Masson
CTO Shizen

“Shizen is our unique solution, and it’s the one we sell to all our customers, sometimes by activating certain options. We’re a real software publisher, we choose our product and sell it, we’re not constrained by deadlines imposed by the outside world like an agency, and besides, we use our product ourselves.”

At Shizen we believe that digital is an accelerator, a catalyst. But only the human materializes the performance.
The problem we are trying to solve: The systems in place are not helping people enough to solve their day-to-day problems or to make improvements. Their job is therefore complicated, high mental load.

Our partners

Do you want to join us?

At Shizen we are passionate about helping people better solve their problems, and convinced that the reindustrialisation of France should be fun.

Join us if you also want to change the industrial world of tomorrow!